Welcome to McGeorge School of 法律, University of the Pacific. 麦乔治法学院为法律和政策研究提供了一个多元化的学术团体. 来自美国和世界各地的学生——包括我们的加拿大邻居——聚集在麦乔治法学院的教室里,在独特的个人和集体文化的影响下进行对话, geographical and national experiences. 我们丰富的社区为学生提供了独特的学术和社会体验, faculty and staff all the same.

我们鼓励您浏览我们的网站,了解更多关于我们的学术课程, experiential learning opportunities, and student life at McGeorge. 法学院的教职员工在这里为你们提供信息和指导. 如果你正在考虑在美国进行法律和/或政策研究,了解签证程序是很重要的. 当考虑以学生签证进入美国时,你需要遵循许多步骤. Understanding, timing and detail are all important to this process. In order to assist you through this process, 下面是一份给打算去美国留学的加拿大学生的指南.

有关招生问题,请联系JD招生办公室 mcgeorge@51cell.net or 916.739.7105. Any questions regarding 签证 processing contact the 研究生 & International 项目 Office at graduatelaw@51cell.net or 916.739.7019.

  1. To Attend 法律 学校
    1. 签证
      1. 加拿大公民作为学生进入美国不需要签证.
      2. 学生签证- http://studyinthestates.国土Safety部.gov/students-and-the-form-i-20.
        1. 在一般情况下, 以F-1学生身份进入美国的国际学生必须出示有效的I-20表格,并且获得I-20需要以下条件:
          1. You must be enrolled in an "academic" educational program, a language-training program, or a vocational program.
          2. F-1学生签证的有效期是学生完成学业所需的时间.
          3. Criteria for the F-1 签证 — http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
            1. 你的学校必须得到学生和交流访问者项目移民局的批准 & 海关执法局.
            2. You must be enrolled as a full-time student at the institution.
            3. 你必须精通英语,或者参加了提高英语水平的课程.
            4. 你必须有足够的资金在整个学习过程中自给自足.
            5. 你必须在国外有居留权,而且你不打算放弃.
            6. 一旦I-20发给学生,学生必须支付所需的SEVIS费用.
        2. 博彩平台网址大全经学生和交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名项目批准,可以使用I-20表格 Student Exchange and 访问or Information System (SEVIS). SEVIS is an online database that connects the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with U.S. 高校通过提供国际学生和博彩平台网址大全排名的信息.
        3. 研究生 and International 项目 办公室 McGeorge School of 法律, 博彩平台网址大全只有在符合上述F-1签证的所有标准的情况下才会签发I-20.
        4. Once the I-20 is issued, 学生可以在课程开始日期前30天以学生身份进入美国. At the port of entry the student must present:
          1. 有效的I-20表格
          2. SEVIS收费收据
          3. 护照在入境之日起至少6个月内有效.
          4. Proof of necessary funds to cover tuition and living expenses.
          5. Any other documents required by the local consular office.
        5. 其他签证选择
          1. J-1 Exchange 访问or 签证.
        6. Working While in School
          1. SEVIS规定通常允许国际学生每周在校园内工作20小时. 然而,麦克乔治大学的国际学生的校内工作是有限的,不能保证. International students are not eligible for U.S. federally funded study positions. 国际学生被允许从事的工作种类取决于他们在哪个年级学习. 不同种类的就业按学习年限分类如下. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
          2. 的 first academic year
            1. Unrelated off campus employment is generally not permitted.
            2. 在一定的条件和限制下,可以接受校内就业:
              1. Restricted to 20 hours/week when school is in session
              2. Can apply up to 30 days before the start of classes
              3. DSO, or designated school official, needs to approve. 一旦被批准,获得雇主的批准信,并申请SSN.
          3. After the first academic year
            1. Circular Practical Training (CPT)
              1. An alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育或其他类型的必要实习,赞助雇主通过与你的学院或大学的合作协议提供
              2. 只有当它是学校内既定课程的一部分时,才适用于F-1学生. CPT must be integral to your program of study
              3. Can be full time, unlike OPT
            2. Optical Practical Training (OPT) — Most students on F visas are eligible. However the student must seek approval by USCIS
              1. Allows students to be employed in the U.S. in a field directly related to his/her area of study
              2. Part time only — up to 20 hours per/week when school is in session, but can be full time during breaks
              3. OPT is arranged directly between USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the School
              4. OPT就业允许学生在完成法律课程后在美国工作一年,担任与法律相关的职位
          4. I-9表格
            1. 如果获得报酬,必须填写就业资格验证I-9表, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
          5. 注意: 所有获得经济补偿的留学生必须申请社会安全号码.
        7. 如何获取
          1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (Student and Exchange 访问or Information System) accredited school
            1. 必须提交财务声明以证明有足够的资金上法学院吗 **School cannot issue an I-20 without this**
          2. Once Accepted — Each school will issue you an I-20
            1. 这是一个 非移民学生身份资格证书-用于学术和语言学习
          3. 使用您希望就读的学校的I-20来支付I-901 SEVIS费用
          4. Next, apply for Nonimmigrant 签证
            1. Go to Embassy or Consulate's Website for Specific Instruction
              1. 必须申请 120 days before the date listed on Form I-20
          5. Bring I-20 Form with you when you enter the United States
    2. 考试
      1. 必须参加法学院入学考试吗
      2. Do not have to take the TOEFL
    3. Submitting Transcripts — http://law.lclark.edu/offices/admissions/apply/jd_requirements_international/
      1. Transcripts from Canadian universities must be submitted through CAS
    4. 资金
      1. Financing Your Legal Education
        1. 为了申请F-1,学生必须首先证明他们有能力支付美国的学费.S. 学校教育
        2. International students are ineligible for federal loans
        3. Most law schools require you to have a cosigner for any private loans
      2. 贷款
        1. Students can apply for Canadian Student 贷款
          1. 应该通过他们已建立居住权的省份申请吗
  1. 签证
    1. 加拿大公民作为学生进入美国不需要签证.
    2. 学生签证- http://studyinthestates.国土Safety部.gov/students-and-the-form-i-20.
      1. 在一般情况下, 以F-1学生身份进入美国的国际学生必须出示有效的I-20表格,并且获得I-20需要以下条件:
        1. You must be enrolled in an "academic" educational program, a language-training program, or a vocational program.
        2. F-1学生签证的有效期是学生完成学业所需的时间.
        3. Criteria for the F-1 签证 — http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
          1. 你的学校必须得到学生和交流访问者项目移民局的批准 & 海关执法局.
          2. You must be enrolled as a full-time student at the institution.
          3. 你必须精通英语,或者参加了提高英语水平的课程.
          4. 你必须有足够的资金在整个学习过程中自给自足.
          5. 你必须在国外有居留权,而且你不打算放弃.
          6. 一旦I-20发给学生,学生必须支付所需的SEVIS费用.
      2. 博彩平台网址大全经学生和交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名项目批准,可以使用I-20表格 Student Exchange and 访问or Information System (SEVIS). SEVIS is an online database that connects the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with U.S. 高校通过提供国际学生和博彩平台网址大全排名的信息.
      3. 研究生 and International 项目 办公室 McGeorge School of 法律, 博彩平台网址大全只有在符合上述F-1签证的所有标准的情况下才会签发I-20.
      4. Once the I-20 is issued, 学生可以在课程开始日期前30天以学生身份进入美国. At the port of entry the student must present:
        1. 有效的I-20表格
        2. SEVIS收费收据
        3. 护照在入境之日起至少6个月内有效.
        4. Proof of necessary funds to cover tuition and living expenses.
        5. Any other documents required by the local consular office.
      5. 其他签证选择
        1. J-1 Exchange 访问or 签证.
      6. Working While in School
        1. SEVIS规定通常允许国际学生每周在校园内工作20小时. 然而,麦克乔治大学的国际学生的校内工作是有限的,不能保证. International students are not eligible for U.S. federally funded study positions. 国际学生被允许从事的工作种类取决于他们在哪个年级学习. 不同种类的就业按学习年限分类如下. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
        2. 的 first academic year
          1. Unrelated off campus employment is generally not permitted.
          2. 在一定的条件和限制下,可以接受校内就业:
            1. Restricted to 20 hours/week when school is in session
            2. Can apply up to 30 days before the start of classes
            3. DSO, or designated school official, needs to approve. 一旦被批准,获得雇主的批准信,并申请SSN.
        3. After the first academic year
          1. Circular Practical Training (CPT)
            1. An alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育或其他类型的必要实习,赞助雇主通过与你的学院或大学的合作协议提供
            2. 只有当它是学校内既定课程的一部分时,才适用于F-1学生. CPT must be integral to your program of study
            3. Can be full time, unlike OPT
          2. Optical Practical Training (OPT) — Most students on F visas are eligible. However the student must seek approval by USCIS
            1. Allows students to be employed in the U.S. in a field directly related to his/her area of study
            2. Part time only — up to 20 hours per/week when school is in session, but can be full time during breaks
            3. OPT is arranged directly between USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the School
            4. OPT就业允许学生在完成法律课程后在美国工作一年,担任与法律相关的职位
        4. I-9表格
          1. 如果获得报酬,必须填写就业资格验证I-9表, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
        5. 注意: 所有获得经济补偿的留学生必须申请社会安全号码.
      7. 如何获取
        1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (Student and Exchange 访问or Information System) accredited school
          1. 必须提交财务声明以证明有足够的资金上法学院吗 **School cannot issue an I-20 without this**
        2. Once Accepted — Each school will issue you an I-20
          1. 这是一个 非移民学生身份资格证书-用于学术和语言学习
        3. 使用您希望就读的学校的I-20来支付I-901 SEVIS费用
        4. Next, apply for Nonimmigrant 签证
          1. Go to Embassy or Consulate's Website for Specific Instruction
            1. 必须申请 120 days before the date listed on Form I-20
        5. Bring I-20 Form with you when you enter the United States
  2. 考试
    1. 必须参加法学院入学考试吗
    2. Do not have to take the TOEFL
  3. Submitting Transcripts — http://law.lclark.edu/offices/admissions/apply/jd_requirements_international/
    1. Transcripts from Canadian universities must be submitted through CAS
  4. 资金
    1. Financing Your Legal Education
      1. 为了申请F-1,学生必须首先证明他们有能力支付美国的学费.S. 学校教育
      2. International students are ineligible for federal loans
      3. Most law schools require you to have a cosigner for any private loans
    2. 贷款
      1. Students can apply for Canadian Student 贷款
        1. 应该通过他们已建立居住权的省份申请吗
  1. 加拿大公民作为学生进入美国不需要签证.
  2. 学生签证- http://studyinthestates.国土Safety部.gov/students-and-the-form-i-20.
    1. 在一般情况下, 以F-1学生身份进入美国的国际学生必须出示有效的I-20表格,并且获得I-20需要以下条件:
      1. You must be enrolled in an "academic" educational program, a language-training program, or a vocational program.
      2. F-1学生签证的有效期是学生完成学业所需的时间.
      3. Criteria for the F-1 签证 — http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
        1. 你的学校必须得到学生和交流访问者项目移民局的批准 & 海关执法局.
        2. You must be enrolled as a full-time student at the institution.
        3. 你必须精通英语,或者参加了提高英语水平的课程.
        4. 你必须有足够的资金在整个学习过程中自给自足.
        5. 你必须在国外有居留权,而且你不打算放弃.
        6. 一旦I-20发给学生,学生必须支付所需的SEVIS费用.
    2. 博彩平台网址大全经学生和交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名项目批准,可以使用I-20表格 Student Exchange and 访问or Information System (SEVIS). SEVIS is an online database that connects the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with U.S. 高校通过提供国际学生和博彩平台网址大全排名的信息.
    3. 研究生 and International 项目 办公室 McGeorge School of 法律, 博彩平台网址大全只有在符合上述F-1签证的所有标准的情况下才会签发I-20.
    4. Once the I-20 is issued, 学生可以在课程开始日期前30天以学生身份进入美国. At the port of entry the student must present:
      1. 有效的I-20表格
      2. SEVIS收费收据
      3. 护照在入境之日起至少6个月内有效.
      4. Proof of necessary funds to cover tuition and living expenses.
      5. Any other documents required by the local consular office.
    5. 其他签证选择
      1. J-1 Exchange 访问or 签证.
    6. Working While in School
      1. SEVIS规定通常允许国际学生每周在校园内工作20小时. 然而,麦克乔治大学的国际学生的校内工作是有限的,不能保证. International students are not eligible for U.S. federally funded study positions. 国际学生被允许从事的工作种类取决于他们在哪个年级学习. 不同种类的就业按学习年限分类如下. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
      2. 的 first academic year
        1. Unrelated off campus employment is generally not permitted.
        2. 在一定的条件和限制下,可以接受校内就业:
          1. Restricted to 20 hours/week when school is in session
          2. Can apply up to 30 days before the start of classes
          3. DSO, or designated school official, needs to approve. 一旦被批准,获得雇主的批准信,并申请SSN.
      3. After the first academic year
        1. Circular Practical Training (CPT)
          1. An alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育或其他类型的必要实习,赞助雇主通过与你的学院或大学的合作协议提供
          2. 只有当它是学校内既定课程的一部分时,才适用于F-1学生. CPT must be integral to your program of study
          3. Can be full time, unlike OPT
        2. Optical Practical Training (OPT) — Most students on F visas are eligible. However the student must seek approval by USCIS
          1. Allows students to be employed in the U.S. in a field directly related to his/her area of study
          2. Part time only — up to 20 hours per/week when school is in session, but can be full time during breaks
          3. OPT is arranged directly between USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the School
          4. OPT就业允许学生在完成法律课程后在美国工作一年,担任与法律相关的职位
      4. I-9表格
        1. 如果获得报酬,必须填写就业资格验证I-9表, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
      5. 注意: 所有获得经济补偿的留学生必须申请社会安全号码.
    7. 如何获取
      1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (Student and Exchange 访问or Information System) accredited school
        1. 必须提交财务声明以证明有足够的资金上法学院吗 **School cannot issue an I-20 without this**
      2. Once Accepted — Each school will issue you an I-20
        1. 这是一个 非移民学生身份资格证书-用于学术和语言学习
      3. 使用您希望就读的学校的I-20来支付I-901 SEVIS费用
      4. Next, apply for Nonimmigrant 签证
        1. Go to Embassy or Consulate's Website for Specific Instruction
          1. 必须申请 120 days before the date listed on Form I-20
      5. Bring I-20 Form with you when you enter the United States
  1. 在一般情况下, 以F-1学生身份进入美国的国际学生必须出示有效的I-20表格,并且获得I-20需要以下条件:
    1. You must be enrolled in an "academic" educational program, a language-training program, or a vocational program.
    2. F-1学生签证的有效期是学生完成学业所需的时间.
    3. Criteria for the F-1 签证 — http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
      1. 你的学校必须得到学生和交流访问者项目移民局的批准 & 海关执法局.
      2. You must be enrolled as a full-time student at the institution.
      3. 你必须精通英语,或者参加了提高英语水平的课程.
      4. 你必须有足够的资金在整个学习过程中自给自足.
      5. 你必须在国外有居留权,而且你不打算放弃.
      6. 一旦I-20发给学生,学生必须支付所需的SEVIS费用.
  2. 博彩平台网址大全经学生和交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名项目批准,可以使用I-20表格 Student Exchange and 访问or Information System (SEVIS). SEVIS is an online database that connects the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with U.S. 高校通过提供国际学生和博彩平台网址大全排名的信息.
  3. 研究生 and International 项目 办公室 McGeorge School of 法律, 博彩平台网址大全只有在符合上述F-1签证的所有标准的情况下才会签发I-20.
  4. Once the I-20 is issued, 学生可以在课程开始日期前30天以学生身份进入美国. At the port of entry the student must present:
    1. 有效的I-20表格
    2. SEVIS收费收据
    3. 护照在入境之日起至少6个月内有效.
    4. Proof of necessary funds to cover tuition and living expenses.
    5. Any other documents required by the local consular office.
  5. 其他签证选择
    1. J-1 Exchange 访问or 签证.
  6. Working While in School
    1. SEVIS规定通常允许国际学生每周在校园内工作20小时. 然而,麦克乔治大学的国际学生的校内工作是有限的,不能保证. International students are not eligible for U.S. federally funded study positions. 国际学生被允许从事的工作种类取决于他们在哪个年级学习. 不同种类的就业按学习年限分类如下. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
    2. 的 first academic year
      1. Unrelated off campus employment is generally not permitted.
      2. 在一定的条件和限制下,可以接受校内就业:
        1. Restricted to 20 hours/week when school is in session
        2. Can apply up to 30 days before the start of classes
        3. DSO, or designated school official, needs to approve. 一旦被批准,获得雇主的批准信,并申请SSN.
    3. After the first academic year
      1. Circular Practical Training (CPT)
        1. An alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育或其他类型的必要实习,赞助雇主通过与你的学院或大学的合作协议提供
        2. 只有当它是学校内既定课程的一部分时,才适用于F-1学生. CPT must be integral to your program of study
        3. Can be full time, unlike OPT
      2. Optical Practical Training (OPT) — Most students on F visas are eligible. However the student must seek approval by USCIS
        1. Allows students to be employed in the U.S. in a field directly related to his/her area of study
        2. Part time only — up to 20 hours per/week when school is in session, but can be full time during breaks
        3. OPT is arranged directly between USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the School
        4. OPT就业允许学生在完成法律课程后在美国工作一年,担任与法律相关的职位
    4. I-9表格
      1. 如果获得报酬,必须填写就业资格验证I-9表, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
    5. 注意: 所有获得经济补偿的留学生必须申请社会安全号码.
  7. 如何获取
    1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (Student and Exchange 访问or Information System) accredited school
      1. 必须提交财务声明以证明有足够的资金上法学院吗 **School cannot issue an I-20 without this**
    2. Once Accepted — Each school will issue you an I-20
      1. 这是一个 非移民学生身份资格证书-用于学术和语言学习
    3. 使用您希望就读的学校的I-20来支付I-901 SEVIS费用
    4. Next, apply for Nonimmigrant 签证
      1. Go to Embassy or Consulate's Website for Specific Instruction
        1. 必须申请 120 days before the date listed on Form I-20
    5. Bring I-20 Form with you when you enter the United States
  1. You must be enrolled in an "academic" educational program, a language-training program, or a vocational program.
  2. F-1学生签证的有效期是学生完成学业所需的时间.
  3. Criteria for the F-1 签证 — http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
    1. 你的学校必须得到学生和交流访问者项目移民局的批准 & 海关执法局.
    2. You must be enrolled as a full-time student at the institution.
    3. 你必须精通英语,或者参加了提高英语水平的课程.
    4. 你必须有足够的资金在整个学习过程中自给自足.
    5. 你必须在国外有居留权,而且你不打算放弃.
    6. 一旦I-20发给学生,学生必须支付所需的SEVIS费用.
  1. 你的学校必须得到学生和交流访问者项目移民局的批准 & 海关执法局.
  2. You must be enrolled as a full-time student at the institution.
  3. 你必须精通英语,或者参加了提高英语水平的课程.
  4. 你必须有足够的资金在整个学习过程中自给自足.
  5. 你必须在国外有居留权,而且你不打算放弃.
  6. 一旦I-20发给学生,学生必须支付所需的SEVIS费用.
  1. 有效的I-20表格
  2. SEVIS收费收据
  3. 护照在入境之日起至少6个月内有效.
  4. Proof of necessary funds to cover tuition and living expenses.
  5. Any other documents required by the local consular office.
  1. J-1 Exchange 访问or 签证.
  1. SEVIS规定通常允许国际学生每周在校园内工作20小时. 然而,麦克乔治大学的国际学生的校内工作是有限的,不能保证. International students are not eligible for U.S. federally funded study positions. 国际学生被允许从事的工作种类取决于他们在哪个年级学习. 不同种类的就业按学习年限分类如下. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
  2. 的 first academic year
    1. Unrelated off campus employment is generally not permitted.
    2. 在一定的条件和限制下,可以接受校内就业:
      1. Restricted to 20 hours/week when school is in session
      2. Can apply up to 30 days before the start of classes
      3. DSO, or designated school official, needs to approve. 一旦被批准,获得雇主的批准信,并申请SSN.
  3. After the first academic year
    1. Circular Practical Training (CPT)
      1. An alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育或其他类型的必要实习,赞助雇主通过与你的学院或大学的合作协议提供
      2. 只有当它是学校内既定课程的一部分时,才适用于F-1学生. CPT must be integral to your program of study
      3. Can be full time, unlike OPT
    2. Optical Practical Training (OPT) — Most students on F visas are eligible. However the student must seek approval by USCIS
      1. Allows students to be employed in the U.S. in a field directly related to his/her area of study
      2. Part time only — up to 20 hours per/week when school is in session, but can be full time during breaks
      3. OPT is arranged directly between USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the School
      4. OPT就业允许学生在完成法律课程后在美国工作一年,担任与法律相关的职位
  4. I-9表格
    1. 如果获得报酬,必须填写就业资格验证I-9表, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
  5. 注意: 所有获得经济补偿的留学生必须申请社会安全号码.
  1. Unrelated off campus employment is generally not permitted.
  2. 在一定的条件和限制下,可以接受校内就业:
    1. Restricted to 20 hours/week when school is in session
    2. Can apply up to 30 days before the start of classes
    3. DSO, or designated school official, needs to approve. 一旦被批准,获得雇主的批准信,并申请SSN.
  1. Restricted to 20 hours/week when school is in session
  2. Can apply up to 30 days before the start of classes
  3. DSO, or designated school official, needs to approve. 一旦被批准,获得雇主的批准信,并申请SSN.
  1. Circular Practical Training (CPT)
    1. An alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育或其他类型的必要实习,赞助雇主通过与你的学院或大学的合作协议提供
    2. 只有当它是学校内既定课程的一部分时,才适用于F-1学生. CPT must be integral to your program of study
    3. Can be full time, unlike OPT
  2. Optical Practical Training (OPT) — Most students on F visas are eligible. However the student must seek approval by USCIS
    1. Allows students to be employed in the U.S. in a field directly related to his/her area of study
    2. Part time only — up to 20 hours per/week when school is in session, but can be full time during breaks
    3. OPT is arranged directly between USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the School
    4. OPT就业允许学生在完成法律课程后在美国工作一年,担任与法律相关的职位
  1. An alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育或其他类型的必要实习,赞助雇主通过与你的学院或大学的合作协议提供
  2. 只有当它是学校内既定课程的一部分时,才适用于F-1学生. CPT must be integral to your program of study
  3. Can be full time, unlike OPT
  1. Allows students to be employed in the U.S. in a field directly related to his/her area of study
  2. Part time only — up to 20 hours per/week when school is in session, but can be full time during breaks
  3. OPT is arranged directly between USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services) and the School
  4. OPT就业允许学生在完成法律课程后在美国工作一年,担任与法律相关的职位
  1. 如果获得报酬,必须填写就业资格验证I-9表, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
  1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (Student and Exchange 访问or Information System) accredited school
    1. 必须提交财务声明以证明有足够的资金上法学院吗 **School cannot issue an I-20 without this**
  2. Once Accepted — Each school will issue you an I-20
    1. 这是一个 非移民学生身份资格证书-用于学术和语言学习
  3. 使用您希望就读的学校的I-20来支付I-901 SEVIS费用
  4. Next, apply for Nonimmigrant 签证
    1. Go to Embassy or Consulate's Website for Specific Instruction
      1. 必须申请 120 days before the date listed on Form I-20
  5. Bring I-20 Form with you when you enter the United States
  1. 必须提交财务声明以证明有足够的资金上法学院吗 **School cannot issue an I-20 without this**
  1. 这是一个 非移民学生身份资格证书-用于学术和语言学习
  1. Go to Embassy or Consulate's Website for Specific Instruction
    1. 必须申请 120 days before the date listed on Form I-20
  1. 必须申请 120 days before the date listed on Form I-20
  1. 必须参加法学院入学考试吗
  2. Do not have to take the TOEFL
  1. Transcripts from Canadian universities must be submitted through CAS
  1. Financing Your Legal Education
    1. 为了申请F-1,学生必须首先证明他们有能力支付美国的学费.S. 学校教育
    2. International students are ineligible for federal loans
    3. Most law schools require you to have a cosigner for any private loans
  2. 贷款
    1. Students can apply for Canadian Student 贷款
      1. 应该通过他们已建立居住权的省份申请吗
  1. 为了申请F-1,学生必须首先证明他们有能力支付美国的学费.S. 学校教育
  2. International students are ineligible for federal loans
  3. Most law schools require you to have a cosigner for any private loans
  1. Students can apply for Canadian Student 贷款
    1. 应该通过他们已建立居住权的省份申请吗
  1. 应该通过他们已建立居住权的省份申请吗
  1. Practicing in Canada
    1. 必须向 National Committee on Accreditation (NCA)
      1. NCA将建议每个申请人必须做什么才能获得资格证书.
        1. 具体要求取决于候选人的教育程度和专业资格, and include a certain number of credits that candidates must complete.
        2. 需求 can be completed by
          1. Writing Challenge 考试
          2. If Enrollment Permits — Enrolling & Taking Courses in a Canadian 法律 School
        3. 应用
          1. Applicants must send NCA
            1. Transcripts of postsecondary education
            2. Proof of being called to Bar in another jurisdiction (if applicable)
            3. Completed NCA application
            4. Original transcripts of pre-law grades
            5. 重新开始
            6. $525 Canadian fee made to the Federation of 法律 Societies of Canada
        4. Once 需求 are Completed
          1. 申请人收到 Certificate of Qualification
            1. 此证书证明候选人的培训/教育水平与经批准的加拿大法学院的毕业生相同
          2. Upon obtaining a Certificate of Qualification, 在外国接受培训的律师必须完成他们计划执业的特定省份的律师入学要求,与加拿大认可的法学院毕业生的入学要求相同. 
  1. 必须向 National Committee on Accreditation (NCA)
    1. NCA将建议每个申请人必须做什么才能获得资格证书.
      1. 具体要求取决于候选人的教育程度和专业资格, and include a certain number of credits that candidates must complete.
      2. 需求 can be completed by
        1. Writing Challenge 考试
        2. If Enrollment Permits — Enrolling & Taking Courses in a Canadian 法律 School
      3. 应用
        1. Applicants must send NCA
          1. Transcripts of postsecondary education
          2. Proof of being called to Bar in another jurisdiction (if applicable)
          3. Completed NCA application
          4. Original transcripts of pre-law grades
          5. 重新开始
          6. $525 Canadian fee made to the Federation of 法律 Societies of Canada
      4. Once 需求 are Completed
        1. 申请人收到 Certificate of Qualification
          1. 此证书证明候选人的培训/教育水平与经批准的加拿大法学院的毕业生相同
        2. Upon obtaining a Certificate of Qualification, 在外国接受培训的律师必须完成他们计划执业的特定省份的律师入学要求,与加拿大认可的法学院毕业生的入学要求相同. 
  1. NCA将建议每个申请人必须做什么才能获得资格证书.
    1. 具体要求取决于候选人的教育程度和专业资格, and include a certain number of credits that candidates must complete.
    2. 需求 can be completed by
      1. Writing Challenge 考试
      2. If Enrollment Permits — Enrolling & Taking Courses in a Canadian 法律 School
    3. 应用
      1. Applicants must send NCA
        1. Transcripts of postsecondary education
        2. Proof of being called to Bar in another jurisdiction (if applicable)
        3. Completed NCA application
        4. Original transcripts of pre-law grades
        5. 重新开始
        6. $525 Canadian fee made to the Federation of 法律 Societies of Canada
    4. Once 需求 are Completed
      1. 申请人收到 Certificate of Qualification
        1. 此证书证明候选人的培训/教育水平与经批准的加拿大法学院的毕业生相同
      2. Upon obtaining a Certificate of Qualification, 在外国接受培训的律师必须完成他们计划执业的特定省份的律师入学要求,与加拿大认可的法学院毕业生的入学要求相同. 
  1. 具体要求取决于候选人的教育程度和专业资格, and include a certain number of credits that candidates must complete.
  2. 需求 can be completed by
    1. Writing Challenge 考试
    2. If Enrollment Permits — Enrolling & Taking Courses in a Canadian 法律 School
  3. 应用
    1. Applicants must send NCA
      1. Transcripts of postsecondary education
      2. Proof of being called to Bar in another jurisdiction (if applicable)
      3. Completed NCA application
      4. Original transcripts of pre-law grades
      5. 重新开始
      6. $525 Canadian fee made to the Federation of 法律 Societies of Canada
  4. Once 需求 are Completed
    1. 申请人收到 Certificate of Qualification
      1. 此证书证明候选人的培训/教育水平与经批准的加拿大法学院的毕业生相同
    2. Upon obtaining a Certificate of Qualification, 在外国接受培训的律师必须完成他们计划执业的特定省份的律师入学要求,与加拿大认可的法学院毕业生的入学要求相同. 
  1. Writing Challenge 考试
  2. If Enrollment Permits — Enrolling & Taking Courses in a Canadian 法律 School
  1. Applicants must send NCA
    1. Transcripts of postsecondary education
    2. Proof of being called to Bar in another jurisdiction (if applicable)
    3. Completed NCA application
    4. Original transcripts of pre-law grades
    5. 重新开始
    6. $525 Canadian fee made to the Federation of 法律 Societies of Canada
  1. Transcripts of postsecondary education
  2. Proof of being called to Bar in another jurisdiction (if applicable)
  3. Completed NCA application
  4. Original transcripts of pre-law grades
  5. 重新开始
  6. $525 Canadian fee made to the Federation of 法律 Societies of Canada
  1. 申请人收到 Certificate of Qualification
    1. 此证书证明候选人的培训/教育水平与经批准的加拿大法学院的毕业生相同
  2. Upon obtaining a Certificate of Qualification, 在外国接受培训的律师必须完成他们计划执业的特定省份的律师入学要求,与加拿大认可的法学院毕业生的入学要求相同. 
  1. 此证书证明候选人的培训/教育水平与经批准的加拿大法学院的毕业生相同