Daniel Croxall

Dan Croxall

Associate Professor of Law

Professor Dan Croxall created and teaches the world’s first craft beer law class at a law school.

Prior to joining the faculty at McGeorge, Professor Croxall practiced complex civil litigation and white-collar criminal defense at the world’s then largest law firm, DLA Piper LLP, for several years. Croxall then opened the world’s smallest law firm, Croxall Law, to focus his practice on representing independent craft breweries throughout California.

Since coming to McGeorge, Professor Croxall has become the leading legal scholar on laws and regulations that impact the craft beer industry specifically and the alcoholic beverage industry generally. He is a frequent media contributor to legal issues pertaining to the craft beer industry and is often called upon to present on craft beer law and alcoholic beverage law at various law schools and conferences, including at the AALS yearly conference, Harvard Law School, the UCLA Anderson School of Management, and Northwestern University.

Croxall has published law review articles concerning craft beer law and alcoholic beverage regulation with Northwestern University Law Review, Gonzaga Law Review, William & Mary Business Law Review, Loyola Los Angeles Law Review, Penn State Law Review, Florida State Law Review, and Michigan State Law Review. He also has published on Civil Procedure with the Missouri Law Review and has several articles in the works. Professor Croxall is nearly finished with the first craft beer law textbook (Carolina Academic Press) for use in law schools and craft breweries. In April of 2021, Professor Croxall organized and hosted the world’s first law review symposium focused on craft beer law, which included scholars and practitioners from around the country.

Aside from Craft Beer Law, Professor Croxall teaches Civil Procedure, Evidence, Global Lawyering Skills I, II, and III, Professional Responsibility, and Political Science 175 on UOP’s Stockton campus.

In 2022, Croxall became the director of the University of the Pacific's Legal Scholars Program. The program is designed to expose undergraduate students to the legal field and prepare them for the rigors of law school.

You can follow Professor Croxall’s work and commentary at his blog, www.craftbeerprofessor.com and on his Twitter handle @GoodBeerLawProf.


BA, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
MA, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
JD, University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law

Curriculum Vitae
croxall-cv_0.pdf (160.3 KB)
Research Focus

Representative Scholarship and Activities

A Storm is Brewing: How Federal Ambivalence Regarding Below-Cost Pricing Turns a Blind Eye to Antitrust and Monopoly Risk in the Beer Market, 54 Loy. L.A. L. Rev (forthcoming 2020).

Helping Craft Beer Maintain and Grow Market Shares With Private Enforcement of Tied-House and False Advertising Laws, 55 Gonz. L. Rev. 167 (2019)

Craft Beer Law and Practice, Carolina Academic Press (Forthcoming 2020) (textbook)

Cheers to Central Hudson: How Traditional Intermediate Scrutiny Helps Keep Independent Craft Beer Viable, 113 Northwestern University Law Review (Online)1 (2018).

Inferring Uniformity: Towards Deduction and Certainty in the Miranda Context, 39 McGeorge L. Rev. 1025 (2008) (Student Comment)

Chapter 165: An Ethical Contribution to Poor Californians in Need of Legal Services, 38McGeorge L. Rev. 21 (2007) (Student Comment)