
Leslie Jacobs

首都法律中心执行主任 & 政策

Professor 莱斯利·吉洛·雅各布斯 has been a Professor at McGeorge since 1993. 在此期间, she has authored a substantial and important body of scholarship on constitutional doctrine, 治理与国家安全, 尤其是在政府讲话方面. Professor Jacobs' articles have appeared in law journals at Yale, 密歇根, 伊利诺斯州, 俄亥俄州立大学, 加州大学戴维斯分校, 罗格斯大学, 杜兰, 佛罗里达州和印第安纳州. Her separate pieces of scholarship on bioterrorism and national security have appeared as invited submissions to 首页land Security: 法律 and 政策 (William Nicholson, ed. 生物恐怖主义防御百科全书(J. Wiley, 2005),《博彩平台网址大全排名》 & 政策, and the interdisciplinary journal, Biosecurity & 生物恐怖主义:生物防御战略,实践 & 科学. Professor Jacobs is co-author of law review pieces addressing law reform in Indonesia and two volumes in the McGeorge Global Issues series designed to bring international and comparative law into core law school classes, Global Issues in Constitutional 法律 and Global Issues in Freedom of Speech and Religion.

Currently, Professor Jacobs serves as Executive Director of the McGeorge Capital Center for 法律 & 政策, dedicated to studying issues of federalism and government structure and aiding government policymakers who must navigate their complexities. 在此预约之前, Professor Jacobs served as Director of McGeorge's Institute for Development of Legal Infrastructure. Located within the McGeorge Center for Global Business and Development, the Institute generates scholarship on development issues and provides service to developing nations seeking to strengthen their legal systems. 2008年2月, Professor Jacobs taught a course at Zhejiang Gongshang University in Hangzhou, 中国, as part of a USAID legal education grant administered by the Institute. Professor Jacobs has also led the McGeorge Bioterrorism and Public Health Initiative, which focused on introducing issues related to those topics into the law school curriculum. Professor Jacobs received her BA from Wesleyan University, graduated magna cum laude from the University of 密歇根 法律 School, and served as a law clerk to United States Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. 鲍威尔,小.






论坛 & 政府的言论

“Incitement Lite” for the Nonpublic Forum, 85 Brooklyn L. 牧师. 149 (2020).

Government Identity Speech 项目 – Understanding and 应用ing the New Walker Test, 44佩珀代因L. 牧师. 305 (2017).

布什, Obama and Beyond: Observations on the Prospect For Fact Checking Executive Department Threat Claims, 26个常量. 评论. 433 (2010).

What the Abortion Disclosure Cases Have to Say About the Constitutionality of Persuasive 政府的言论 on Product Labels, 87年Denv. U. L. 牧师. 855 (2010).

谁说的? 《博彩平台网址大全排名》,36大学. 密歇根州的. J.L. 改革1 (2002).

公共情感论坛,95西北L. 牧师. 1357 (2001).

Free Speech and the Limits of Legislative Discretion: The Example of Specialty License Plates, 佛罗里达州53. L. 牧师. 419 (2001).

The Link Between Student Activity Fees and Campaign Finance Regulations, 33 Ind. L. 牧师. 435 (2000).

商业言论 & 大麻

Regulating Marijuana Advertising and Marketing to Promote Public Health: Navigating the Constitutional Minefield, 21岁的刘易斯 & 克拉克L. 牧师. 1081 (2018)

Memo to 大麻 Regulators: The Expressions Hair Design Decision Does Not Limit Your Broad Authority to Restrict All Forms of Discounting, 49 U. Pac. L. 牧师. 67 (2017)

Compelled 商业言论 as Compelled Consent Speech, 29 Journal of 法律 & 政治517 (2014).

强迫的演讲 & 政治抗议

Protecting Women's Rights by Keeping Religious Liberty in its Lane, 59 Duquesne L. 牧师. 54 (2021).

Pledges, Parades and Mandatory Payments: Creating Coherency in Compelled Expression, 52 罗格斯大学 L. 牧师. 123 (1999).

有义务倾听吗?32大学. 密歇根州的. J.L. 改革489 (1999).

应用ing Penalty Enhancements to Civil Disobedience: Clarifying the Free Speech Clause Model to Bring the Social Value of 政治抗议 into the Balance, 俄亥俄街59号. L.J. 185 (1998).

Supplementing the Assumed Definitions: A 评论ary on Professor Brownstein's Analysis of Abortion Protest Restrictions, 29 U.C. 戴维斯L. 牧师. 639 (1996).

Nonviolent Abortion Clinic Protests: Reevaluating Some Current Assumptions About the Proper Scope of Government Regulations, 70图. L. 牧师. 1359 (1996).

学说 & 解释

Making Sense of Secondary Effects Analysis After Reed v. 吉尔伯特镇,57圣克拉拉L. 牧师. 385 (2017)

Clarifying the Content-Based/Content Neutral and Content/Viewpoint Determinations, 34 McGeorge L. 牧师. 595 (2003).

Even 更多的 Honest Than Ever Before: Abandoning Pretense and Recreating Legitimacy in Constitutional 解释, 1995生病了. L. 牧师. 363 (1995).

Adding Complexity to Confusion and Seeing the Light: Feminist Legal Insights and the Jurisprudence of the Religion Clauses, 《博彩平台网址大全》 & 女权主义137 (1995)


Global Issues in Freedom of Speech and Religion (Thomson West 2009), with Alan Brownstein.

Global Issues in Constitutional 法律 (Thomson West 2007), with Brian K. 兰茨贝格.


United States Legislation and Presidential Directives, Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense (J. 威利,2d版. 2010),伊丽莎白·林德斯科普夫·帕克.

Bioterrorism Defense: Current Components and Continuing Challenges, William Nicholson (ed.)、《博彩平台网址大全》(Charles C. 托马斯,2005).

Sensitive But Unclassified: The Constitutionality of Secrecy Clauses as a Condition to Government-Funded Scientific 研究, 1 J. Nat国际证券交易委员会. L. & 波尔. 113 (2005).

Governmental Controls and Information and Scientific Inquiry, 1 Biosecurity & 生物恐怖主义:生物防御战略,实践 & 科学83(2003),与Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker合著.


Retooling 法律 Enforcement to Investigate and Prosecute Entrenched 腐败: Key Criminal Procedure Reforms for Indonesia and Other Nations, 30日大学. 宾夕法尼亚大学的. J. 如您. 法律183(2008年秋季),与本杰明B. 瓦格纳.

Limits to the Independent Anti-腐败 Commission Model of 腐败 Reform: Lessons from Indonesia, 20全球商业 & 《博彩平台网址大全排名》,2007年第27期. 瓦格纳.