
These awards do not need to be repaid.

Institutional Scholarships

机构奖学金——也被称为院长奖学金——竞争非常激烈,仅限于被录取的DDS学生. Students are considered based on their admission application. No separate application is required. For more information, please contact the Admissions Office at 415.929.6491.

Additionally, 通过校友和Dugoni家族的朋友的慈善支持,永久捐赠奖学金成为可能,为继续学习的学生提供持续的经济援助. 请与财政援助办公室联系奖学金名单和申请截止日期.

民间基金会、市民团体和社区机构提供奖学金. In our experience, 大多数获得校外奖学金的学生都是从当地社区的组织那里获得奖学金的. For this reason, 我们鼓励你去当地的民间组织和宗教机构看看有什么奖学金可以申请. 此外,军队和退伍军人协会提供许多奖学金和学费援助项目. 继续学习的学生也应该查看位于财政援助办公室外的奖学金公告栏以获取更多奖学金信息.


Commitment Service Scholarships

承诺服务奖学金提供在牙科学校就读期间的教育和生活费用. In exchange, 毕业后,受助人必须在军队或医疗保健短缺的地区服役. For specific information, please contact:

Federal Loan Programs

联邦贷款是牙科学生经济援助的主要来源. Loans must be repaid by the recipient. 大多数牙科学生使用以下一种或多种贷款计划来资助他们的牙科教育:

Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL)

HPSL是一个有限的联邦贷款项目,由Dugoni学校管理. 奖学金颁发给表现出巨大经济需求的学生,并根据可用资金发放. 卫生专业学生贷款(HPSL)项目申请者必须提供父母的财务信息.

  • Annual loan amounts vary depending on available funding.
  • Interest rate is 5% fixed. Students are not charged loan interest while in school.
  • 支付期限为毕业或离校后12个月.
  • Repayment terms are up to 10 years.

Federal Direct Loans



An unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan is not based on need. The student is responsible for the payment of interest. Interest begins to accrue upon disbursement of the loan funds.

  • 学生在12个月的时间内有资格借款的DDS和IDS金额为54,000美元.
  • The annual loan limit is $27,333 for Ortho & Endo.
  • Interest rate is fixed at 7.2023年7月1日或之后首次发放的贷款,至2024年6月30日为05%.
  • Origination fee of 1.057%.
  • No payment is due while a student is in school. 还款在毕业或离校六个月后开始.
  • Repayment terms are from 10 years to 25 years.

The Direct Graduate PLUS loan is not based on need. Students are responsible for the interest payment. Interest begins to accrue upon disbursements of the loan funds.

  • Interest is fixed at 8.2023年7月1日至2024年6月30日期间首次发放的贷款为05%.
  • Origination fee of 4.228%.
  • 年度贷款限额是出勤费减去学校认证的其他资助.
  • Repayment begins 6 months after graduation or separation from school.
  • There are no cumulative loan limits.
  • Borrowers must pass a credit check.
  • Borrowers cannot have an adverse credit history, defined in regulations, 拖欠任何债务超过90天或有信用报告显示违约, discharge, foreclosure, repossession, tax lien, wage garnishment, 或在信用报告日期之前的五年内注销第四章债务.
  • 这个程序不考虑债务比率或信用评分.

Private Loans

私人/替代贷款是贷款人为教育目的提供的基于信用的贷款. 信用报告和信用评分系统用于确定这些贷款的批准和利率. 利率是可变的(可以在贷款期间调整),并且在许多情况下没有上限(最高利率)。. 还有总限额(你可以为你的教育借贷的最高金额). If you choose a private/alternative loan for your education, 请注意上述条款和条件,并考虑您是否能够在不达到总限额的情况下借入足够的资金来资助您的教育, 以及未来在你的贷款期间利率上升的可能性. Please visit elmselect 有关贷款机构的更多信息,请参阅私人贷款的条款和条件. 我们的学生贷款行为准则信息可在此链接.

Requesting a Copy of Your Credit Report from Reporting Agencies

如果你对你的信用报告或潜在的资格有疑问,从联邦直接毕业生加计划或私人贷款中获得资金, please contact the Financial Aid Office. Again, 保持良好的信用记录是非常必要的,这样你就可以借到必要的资金来完成你的教育.


您有权每12个月从以下列出的每个国家消费者信用报告机构获得一份免费信用报告. 您可以选择同时订购所有三份信用报告,或者一次订购一份. 同时订购这三个的好处是你可以比较它们. However, 12个月内,您将没有资格从中央来源获得另一份免费信用报告. On the other hand, the advantage of ordering one now and others later (for example, 一个信用报告(每四个月),你可以跟踪任何变化或新的信息,可能出现在你的信用报告.


Trans Union Corporation | 800.888.4213 |

Equifax |  800.685.1111 |

Experian | 800.311.4769 |