法学硕士在水 & 环境法律 will prepare you to serve the diverse needs of businesses 和 developers, 农民和牧场主, 非营利组织, 和 public agencies at every level from local to international.

  • 经验 第一手的观察participation in solving complex relevant real issues
  • 享受 小班授课
  • 利用我们的 mentoring 和 career development resources
  • 获得特殊 协助选课 以及班级成功
  • 在线的选择

The 水利法 graduate program emphasizes interdisciplinary natural resources classes; simulations 和 case studies; a robust field placement experience; 和 advanced substantive 法律 course work. The combination of natural resources science, 技术与经济, with strong legal coursework 和 h和s-on training, makes this program unique among other natural resources 法律 graduate degrees. 有两门课程.

Both tracks of the 24-unit LLM in 水利法 involve one-year (two semesters) to two-year (three or four semesters) courses of study. You have the option to take all courses online1 or to enroll in the in-person program with some courses offered online.

This track focuses on issues affecting the United States. It is designed for students with a 法律 degree to gain expertise in this growing field of environmental 和 natural resources 法律.


课程 单位
行政法 3
环境实践 3
科学 & 政策 of 水 法律 (course typically offered every other year) 2
水利法 3


选修课程 1 (10 units — Some electives may not be offered every year. Please check the current course schedule for an updated list.)

课程 单位
加州环境案件 & 的地方 1
加州倡议研讨会 2
环境法律 3
研究生水平的定向研究 1 to 2
International 水利法 Seminar 3
土地用途规划 2
LL.硕士论文 3 to 6
当地代理惯例 2
中介 2 to 3
市政创新研讨会 2
自然资源法 3
Natural Resources, 水 or 环境法律 Externships 3 to 4
谈判 & 定居点 2 to 3
海洋及海岸法 2 or 3
代表本地机构 1
科学 & 政策 of 水 法律 (课程 typically offered every other year) 2

1 The director may approve other courses as electives on a case by case basis. The director may also waive some of the course requirements (和 not units) if the students has taken a similar course prior to enrollment at McGeorge.

For 法律 graduates interested in pursuing careers in government, non-governmental organizations or private 法律 firms dealing with international water 和 environmental issues. 本课程侧重于独特的法律, policies 和 political dynamics as it applies to watercourses 和 other natural resources that are shared by two or more nations.


课程 单位
国际公法 3
国际环境法 3
International 水利法 Seminar 3
Legal English (For Foreign-Trained Students Only) 1
法学硕士法律研究,写作和分析 2


选修课程 1

课程 单位
环境法律 3
中介 2 or 3 
International 水利法 Seminar 3
欧盟:国际贸易分机. Rel. (海洋及海岸法) 1 to 4 
谈判与和解研讨会 2 or 3
硕士论文 6
指导研究,研究生水平 1 to 2
Leadership in Organizations for 研究生 Students
水利法 2 to 3
环境实践 3
国际争议解决 1
跨国诉讼 3
国际谈判 2
International 和 Foreign Legal 研究 1 to 2
网上争议解决 1
气候变化法 & 政策 2
环境法专题 2 or 3
专题-国际 1 to 3
实习 12

1 C和idates may also be permitted to enroll in other elective courses relevant to water 和 environmental 法律 not listed above. 查看完整时间表. Note: Not all electives listed above are offered in every academic year.,有些课程只在网上提供.

This accelerated program is available to McGeorge JD students for both the U.S. 法律轨道 和 国际轨道 of the 水 & 环境法法学硕士学位.

快速通道法学博士/法学硕士在水 & 环境法律 affords students the opportunity to earn both degrees on an accelerated timeline. 快速通道 students may apply up to 12 credits of JD coursework towards their LLM degree in 水 & 环境法律, meaning the LLM degree may be completed in just one additional semester of full-time study or a year of part-time study. Fast track students may specialize in either U.S. or international water 和 environmental 法律.


The 快速通道 LLM is an executive education program designed for recent McGeorge graduates. 课程s are offered during evenings for the working professional. McGeorge JD students can apply for the 快速通道 program 和 are encouraged to consider this option during academic planning. 快速通道LLM学位要求:

  • 24单位水 & 环境法律 study, up to 12 units of which are completed as part of the JD degree
  • 累积平均绩点2分.33岁,4岁.33规模


  • 行政法
  • 环境法律
  • 环境实践
  • 国际环境法
  • International 水利法 Seminar
  • 自然资源法
  • 海洋及海岸法
  • 水利法
  • 水或环境现场安置


"I could not be happier with the practical water 法律 education I gained at McGeorge. I found a great job representing public agencies in actions to recover clean-up costs from companies that pollute groundwater with toxic chemicals right after graduation, 感谢我的教授们的帮助."  — Bryan Barnhart, ’13, Litigation Associate at Miller, Axline & 索耶

"I greatly enjoyed taking the 水利法 Practice course. I particularly benefitted from the classroom simulations of complex water resources challenges 和 disputes. These simulations effectively provided condensed practical experience — enough to get your feet wet — into issues that often take years to resolve. I developed insights 和 perspectives that will allow me to more effectively represent specific clients in actual water resources disputes."  — Hanspeter Walter, ’06, Attorney at 法律 at Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann & 吉拉尔

"Regardless of where I end up in the long run—whether that be in areas of water quality, 水权, tribal water 法律 or even working on public policy issues — my experiences at McGeorge have provided a solid foundation 和 knowledge base that I am confident will contribute to a successful career."  - Tori Sundheim, ’13, 14年水资源法法学硕士, 副司法部长, Nevada Attorney General’s Office – Division of Government 和 Natural Resources


麦克LLM & JSD项目
916.739.7019 graduate法律@51cell.net
