

分类. 教授

At Pacific Since: 2021

西莉亚张, 澳元, 博士学位, CCC-A, F-AAA, earned her Bachelor of Arts in Speech 和 Hearing Sciences from University at Buffalo. She continued her studies at the University at Buffalo where she earned her dual doctorate, 澳元 和 博士学位 in Communicative Disorders 和 Science. She completed her Audiology Externship at the NIH Clinical Center, Audiology Unit 和 worked as a clinical audiologist prior to starting her academic position. She joined the Department of Audiology at Pacific in 2021 as an Assistant 教授.

Dr. Zhang joins the Pacific faculty with extensive experience in auditory re搜索, both clinical 和 basic science re搜索. What she loves about Pacific is the diverse student body, outst和ing environment for active learning 和 collaborative colleagues. 作为一名教师, she strives to foster a welcoming atmosphere so that all students feel supported 和 encouraged throughout their graduate education. She is excited by the opportunity to engage students with energizing lectures 和 h和s-on labs 和 sharing her enthusiasm for learning 和 re搜索. Her ultimate goal is to empower 和 inspire the future generation of clinicians 和 provide positive contributions to the professional field.

Dr. Zhang holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology. She is also a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the American Academy of Audiology 和 the Association for 研究 in Otolaryngology. Her most recent re搜索 activities focused on the cochlear immune response following age-related, noise-induced 和 gene-mutation related hearing loss. She has several publications in highly reputable journals in the field including 神经科学Hearing 研究.

  • 博士学位, Communication Disorders 和 Sciences, University at Buffalo, 2021
  • Audiology Externship, NIH Clinical Center, NIDCD, Audiology Unit, Bethesda, MD
  • 澳元, Audiology, University at Buffalo, 2020
  • BA, Speech 和 Hearing Science, University at Buffalo, 2016
Teaching Interests

Teaching Philosophy

My goal as a faculty is to provide students with the foundational knowledge to grow as critical thinkers in the field. I want encourage conceptual underst和ing 和 help students develop critical thinking. I aim to use multiple teaching methods 和 provide reliable clinical examples to engage 和 motivate students. 整体, an unwavering passion for what I teach, respect for students as individuals 和 a willingness to help them succeed are the foundation of my teaching philosophy.


  • AUDI 305 — Diagnostics I
  • AUDI 309 — Electrophysiology I
  • AUDI 310 — Electrophysiology I Lab
  • AUDI 343 — 研究 Methods
  • AUDI 361 — Comprehensive Differential Diagnosis
  • AUDI 363 — Electrophysiology II
研究 Focus

Dr. Zhang’s re搜索 focuses on developing novel methods to evaluate early changes in the auditory system in complex auditory disorders such as age-related 和 noise-induced hearing loss 和 auditory processing disorders. During her 博士学位 studies, she used mouse models to examine how cochlear stressors including age-related hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss 和 various genetic mutations modulate the cochlear immune response. Dr. Zhang is interested in using her knowledge 和 experience in basic science re搜索 to conduct clinical re搜索 to bridge the gap between patient needs 和 treatment development.

研究 Interests

  • Cochlear Immunology
  • Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
  • Age-Related Hearing Loss
  • Genetic Hearing Loss
  • Sex Differences in Auditory Function