Pacific students realize true payoff of hands-on experience

埃伯哈特商学院 students visit NASDAQ during a spring trip to New York in 2017.

Members of the 埃伯哈特商学院 Student Invest Fund visit NASDAQ during a spring trip to New York in 2017.

“这是真金白银, 这是真正的投资, 这是真实的结果, it’s real hands-on experience and that leads to real and deep learning.——摄政王里克·弗莱明

博彩平台网址大全’s student-managed investment fund has paid big dividends to hundreds of its members—all while staying true to the mission of its sponsor and the university’s cornerstone of providing a rich student-centered education.

太平洋的 埃伯哈特商学院 established the 学生投资基金 in 2007 thanks to the generosity and vision of the late Bank of Stockton President and CEO Doug Eberhardt ’59. 埃伯哈特捐赠了100万美元, which along with a portion from the university’s endowment fund, created a true student-managed portfolio that invests real money to provide students with hands-on experience.

自成立以来, 学生投资基金 has flourished into the third-largest student-run fund in the western United States, 在很多情况下, it has outperformed both the Russell Midcap Index benchmark and the S&P 500.

“当我年轻的时候, I only wish someone had let me have the chance to invest money and had a class in it,埃伯哈特告诉《博彩平台网址大全》.2018年组织出版物. “There are classes that may teach you about all kinds of investments, 但他们不会教你如何投资.”

The 学生投资基金 is a two-semester class open to undergraduate business students. 学生投资者进行研究, 分析潜在投资, 学习项目组合管理和撰写报告. And while Professor Benjamin Carlston provides guidance and oversees the program, the students have ownership of the decisions on how to invest the money.

The 学生投资基金 drew Seattle native Marissa 卡彭特 ’21 to Pacific. 卡彭特, 还有玛丽安娜·杜阿尔特, was the co-chief executive officer of the 学生投资基金 during the spring semester and oversaw a 14-member team.

“It’s one of the main reasons that attracted me to Pacific,卡朋特说, a business administration major and pre-law minor. “Only 2% of business schools have a student investment fund and I thought it was very cool that it offers hands-on experience with real money.”

不像大多数本科课程, the 学生投资基金 has a dedicated trading room and access to Bloomberg trading terminals that allows students to manage an investment portfolio now worth nearly $4 million—a significant growth from its $1.3 million start 14 years ago—and in turn immerses them in the world of investing.

太平洋摄政理查德·弗莱明, who was the vice president and chief financial officer of USG Corporations before his retirement in 2012, lauded the success of the program and Eberhardt’s foresight. 

“这是真金白银, 这是真正的投资, 这是真实的结果, it’s real hands-on experience and that leads to real and deep learning,弗莱明说。, who is chair of 太平洋的 endowment investment committee. “It’s the overall vision, purpose and mission of the fund.”

“The students really do learn the elements of money management and the understanding of risks, and that is a huge part of their learning process.”

Students participating in the 学生投资基金 are held accountable and give presentations before the Board of Regents and the members of the Eberhardt family, as well as produce a report detailing their investment activities that is audited by an independent accounting firm.

Another unique benefit is the commitment to Eberhardt’s wish to see a portion of the annual earnings support programs at Pacific important to Eberhardt: the water polo team, 语言病理学项目和 埃伯哈特商学院. 太平洋的 endowment also receives an annual distribution from its investment. 自从基金成立以来, 它已经分发了576美元,000美元的捐赠,退回746美元,000美元用于大学项目. This year, it contributed $140,000 combined to the endowment and programs.

慈善事业, providing hands-on experiential learning and being inclusive by letting all students participate were important to Doug Eberhardt and the Eberhardt family when the program was designed, 摄政王玛丽-伊丽莎白·埃伯哈特说.

“He thought young people needed to be taught the act of giving back and how important it is to support what you believe in,”她说。. “We are all very proud of that program and I think my uncle, 如果他在这里, 会非常期待它的发展吗.”

Aside from the in-depth learning, students are offered a wealth of networking opportunities. They travel to New York for the Quinnipiac Global Asset Management Education Forum, one of the largest student-managed investment fund conferences worldwide, and while there meet with industry leaders and Pacific alumni. The 学生投资基金 also provides opportunities for training, 著名的演讲嘉宾和实地考察.

“The 学生投资基金 has probably been one of the most valuable experiences I’ve had at Pacific,卡朋特说. “There are not many places that you can get this experience and it is now one of the main talking points on my resume.”